I found this one at a new (to me, anyway!) shop called J!NX Clothing. They have a pretty good selection of gaming- and nerd/geek-related clothing there, and it's entirely possible that another selection from that site may find its way onto "the list" one day too! Could it be that I'm just a sucker for shirts with a Guitar Hero theme? Nah...

T-shirt Hell just recently launched what they're calling a "sister store"; TorsoPants. There's a very slight family resemblance, I suppose - this design gives you a flavor of the wit and wisdom of TorsoPants. I think the real story is that the T-shirt Hell folx discovered that they were ending up with too many non-offensive shirts, and had to find somewhere else for them (for fear of bringing their other selections to some sort of "salvation" or something?). This is definitely OK with me - I'm not into offensive shirts in general, and much prefer those offered by TorsoPants. They had a lot of fun with their web page too, including links to "this t-shirt's favorite movie", "a courtroom artist's rendering of this t-shirt", that kinda thing. Pretty humorous just to visit the site!
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